Scientific Sales Representative

Oncotest, a leader in the field of customized medicine for cancer, is seeking Scientific sales representative for a fascinating and groundbreaking field.

Part of the role includes; promoting advanced and comprehensive molecular testing with the world’s leading laboratories, in order to identify and choose the right customized treatment for cancer

Position description:
  • Advanced degree in life sciences / health -advantage
  • Ability to continuously learn and maintain a high and in-depth scientific level
  • Manage communication of information to experts in the field in an effective manner
  • Excellence in customer relations and providing scientific support according to the needs of the experts in the field
  • Optimal management of the field work
  • Previous experience in marketing and sales – an advantage
  • High motivation to meet goals and results
Position requirements:
  • A bachelor’s degree in life sciences – required
  • A quick learner
  • Highly verbal and fluent in both writing and speaking
  • Providing a professional, comprehensive and service oriented response to the patient
  • Marketing oriented
  • Sales experience – an advantage


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